Lazy Sunday Boudoir Session
What is lazy Sunday boudoir?
Lazy sunday boudoir is a genre of boudoir that captures those moments in life where you just want to sit around, comfortably enjoying a rainy or lazy day. Think of a rainy day – perfect for a little netflix and wine or perhaps a cold winter day with some hot chocolate or coffee and nothing to do. We can get some shots in the kitchen, living room, and even a few in the bedroom. Lazy Sunday boudoir sessions are perfect for couples as well!
What should I wear?
Typically this lazy Sunday vibe includes comfy attire like an oversized sweatshirt or sweater and your favorite pair of sexy under garments. Maybe you have a favorite oversized t-shirt or even just a cozy blanket or comforter? With a lazy sunday boudoir session we aim to capture your natural beauty in your most comfortable environment.
How do I schedule my lazy Sunday session?
To schedule a lazy Sunday boudoir session, reach out via any of the communication channels below or fill out the contact form and I’ll get in touch with you to schedule your session as soon as possible.

(319) 651 1669Business days only
E-mail MeUp to 24 hours to respond
Contact me using any of the methods above to inquire or set up a session